Peace Portrait:
Bob Marley

20 x 16 inches

Hand-stitched cotton thread and silk ribbon on canvas

Available from artist.
Price by request.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this work will be donated to a non-profit organization working for peace worldwide.

World Central Kitchen - Food is a Universal Human Right

This work was on display in the Texas State Capitol as part of a Texas Museum of Fiber Arts' annual juried exhibition.

Hand-stitched Peace Portraits | Bob Marley

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Peace Portrait One: Bob Marley

The United Nations' Peace Medal of the Third World was given to Bob Marley (1945-1981) in 1978. The late singer and songwriter earned this distinction for his courageous work appealing for justice and peace during a time of political unrest in Jamaica, his home country. His influence grew world-wide as he continued to speak out about and sing a message of world unity and racial equality.